Project Linus Provides Comfort Blankets for Children in Care
Our Milton Keynes fostering team comes together with Project Linus to share handmade comfort blankets with children in care.

Our Milton Keynes fostering team has partnered with the volunteer organisation, Project Linus, to share handmade colourful quilts and blankets with looked after children in the local area.
The project, first set up in the USA but soon branched into the UK in 2000, involves a network of local volunteers handmaking blankets and quilts which are then given as gifts to sick, vulnerable or traumatised children.
Sharing the same dedication to help improve the lives of vulnerable children, we are being supported by Project Linus, to gift one-of-a-kind blankets and quilts to help make a positive impact in young people’s lives.
Angela Turland, Registered Manager, said: “This is a truly wonderful initiative to be a part of. These blankets are a simple yet effective way to bring a smile or even a small sense of comfort to children who have been through difficult times.
“The blankets are given as part of a welcome pack when children are placed with Fosterplus but we also provide them to children when they are unwell or even as a gift for when they move on so they can keep them as a treasured childhood memento.
“Sometimes children don’t want or need them, but it is still a lovely option to be able to offer them in a favourite design or colour.”
“Running solely off the dedication of volunteers, these blankets are a wonderful way for some of the helpers who value the social aspects to meet up whilst creating a gift of a lifetime to these young children.”